First of all, let us tell you what we are NOT. We are not a big, bland hospitality chain. We are not uniform in our approach. We are not part of an an international conglomerate where everything is done by rules. It’s probably fair to say we are the very opposite of all that.
We are TLC not PLC.
We passionately believe that life is too short for banality, for blandness, for boredom. The mantra by which we live is “Escape the ordinary”. Strong noble words, the cynics among you may be thinking, but in reality, how does that affect me? In so many ways. The properties in a sense mirror the guests’ requirements. They are individual; so too are you. (None of our rooms are numbered, each has a name and a theme).
We are fortunate in that each of the three properties we have within Perfect Manors is not only individual, but gorgeous. How are you to be inspired unless you see beauty? How are you to be invigorated unless you slept well in a comfortable bed? How can you be full of energy unless from the window you see the most beautiful views? And how can you truly get going unless the breakfast you have is delicious?
Why is almost every song a love song? For this very reason. That’s why we are so keen on weddings. And families. And children. And friends.
Running a business well means being able to create things that count– trust where it did not exist before, to restore something of value that was no longer usable, to make jobs where there were none.
If you join Perfect Manors team you become part of the family. Sure, families have rows from time to time, but if we’re all pulling in the same direction , we look after one another. We’ve got your back.
Technology is great but it is people who really make a difference. No one is a number. We are all unique. Hospitality is the ultimate people business. We love that. And one of the delights of having your own business is that you choose who you take on.
How was your stay? Good. How was your food? Good. Hmmm, call us perfectionists, but that’s not really what we’re about. How is your stay? Amazing! How is your food? Delicious. That’s more the sort of responses we strive for
We are not satisfied with customer satisfaction. The ‘satisfied’ customer is not for us. We are after the ‘delighted’ customer. The ‘thrilled’ customer. The ‘gosh – I’m–so–pleased–I–came–here’ customer.
Do stuff. By all means, embrace all those cliches –work hard, play hard. But when you relax, really relax. After all, unfortunately none of us are around for that long… CARPE DIEM
The more you care, the more you achieve, the more you achieve, the easier it becomes. The easier it becomes, the more you enjoy it, the more you enjoy it, the more you care…The ultimate virtuous circle. And vice versa.
If you haven’t made any sort of difference before you shuffle off your mortal coil, then why were you here?
With globalisation, the world is becoming smaller and in many ways that’s wonderful, but it does mean that everything gets more and more the same. We love originality, we love uniqueness, we love anything out of the ordinary. As long as it’s gorgeous!
If all of this sounds rather arrogant, then we are not expressing it properly. We are not stiff formal. Come stay stay with us and let your hair down.
Of course there are times for being ernest, but in generalwe find laughter is a pretty good glue-binding the team together as well as the guests.
We actually count the number of times people say wow when we show them round. Wow is what it’s all about…
Unfortunately, as we say, life is too short. Yes, that is the ultimate platitude. However, we can help you make that life (okay, maybe not your whole life, but certainly the period you stay with us) as good as it can be. And after all, isn’t that what we’re all after?